Refund Request by Merchants for Registration

You are not eligible for a refund if you drop your application or withdraw it after signing up with Ansurlah! or after making the initial fee payment of RM300.

All fees paid to Ansurlah! are considered fully earned and are non-refundable under any circumstances.

If your application is rejected by the payment providers, we will not refund the initial payment made of RM300 at the time of registration. If you have paid the full amount of RM799 and your application is rejected by the BNPL providers, we will refund you the RM499.

Refund because of Termination of Service

We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time for any reason in accordance with the terms of our service, and we will not give you a refund for the amount you have paid to us.

Similarly, if you terminate our service for any reason, you are not entitled to a refund.

Other Refund Matters

Ansurlah! reserves the right to cancel a transaction to comply with the credit card industry regulations, payment processor and banking and FPX rulings, or to comply with legal requirements, intellectual property rights, court orders, and law enforcement agencies.

In addition, Ansurlah! may cancel transactions that it reasonably considers to be potentially fraudulent, unlawful, or in breach of Ansurlah's prohibited items, Terms of Service, or Privacy